Meet Our New Sales Consultant

by Danielle Borges - Marketing & Sales Director

We are thrilled to introduce Peter Albertsson, who joins us as a Sales Consultant at Codence. With a rich background as an entrepreneur, FileMaker developer, and accountant, Peter brings a unique blend of skills and perspectives to our team. He resides in sunny Miami, Florida, with his wife, Marlene, and is passionate about golf, skiing, travel, and spending quality time with friends and family. Let’s dive into our Q&A with Peter to learn more about his experiences, role, and vision for the future.

Can you share a bit about your background and role at our company?

Peter has been passionate about using FileMaker as the best tool for capturing, structuring, and empowering data since FileMaker 11. He expressed excitement about his new role, where he helps customers discover their potential with a rational, iterative approach to custom development.

What inspired you to pursue a career in sales and consulting?

Peter noted that he has a knack for understanding problems and potential solutions, which, combined with his development understanding of FileMaker, makes this a great fit for him. He believes that by truly listening to clients, long-term relationships can be built based on meaningful incremental deliveries of game-changing features.

How do you see your experience in FileMaker development benefiting our clients?

He mentioned that understanding what it takes to envision, document, develop, and deliver solutions helps him set the correct expectations for clients based on their current relationship with FileMaker.

In your experience, what are common challenges organizations encounter while developing solutions in FileMaker?

According to Peter, there is often a champion of FileMaker within the client’s organization—someone driven to build something better. However, when that energy is lost or shifted, progress can stall. He pointed out that especially in the accounting space, the prevalence of Excel and QuickBooks makes it hard for people to believe there’s a better way to work.

How do you assist clients in identifying their unique requirements for customizing FileMaker solutions?

Peter emphasized that listening to the client’s story is crucial. If they reach out, it’s because they need help, and understanding their specific needs is key.

What features of FileMaker do you find most valuable when working with clients?

He believes that FileMaker serves as a blank canvas, allowing for no compromise. Peter finds it important to help clients understand how powerful this is for them, showing them the affordability of codifying their unique processes.

How can you help our clients scale their FileMaker systems as their business grows?

Peter advocates for getting clients on a weekly progress roadmap, encouraging commitment to constant improvement. He believes that when they stop improving, their business becomes stale, and he helps maintain a development calendar to support gradual progress.

If you could give one piece of advice to our clients about leveraging FileMaker, what would it be?

Peter advises clients to use FileMaker whenever they can because it allows for customization of the information their teams need for decision-making. He points out that fewer clicks can boost productivity and encourages reducing unnecessary steps and screen transitions to streamline the process.

He mentioned that collaboration with teams offers significant advantages. However, to enhance your toolkit effectively, it’s essential to stay current and integrate new features with each release. This approach not only drives business growth but also ensures you are equipped with the best solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Can you share a travel experience that has shaped your perspective on business and client interactions?

Peter reflected that he has been fortunate to travel to probably 30 countries, but no matter where you go, excellence is the same in every culture, its attention detail, making the extra effort to care about results, commitment to quality, ownership putting their unique stamp on their products and service. He appreciates how difficult it is to deliver excellence, and aspires to find a way to inspire when ever possible.

Join the Conversation

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Peter and learning about his role and experiences at Codence. We invite you to share your own experiences or any questions you might have for Peter in the comments section below.

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